Monday, March 31, 2008

WebSphere Monitoring

Take Control of WebSphere Management

WebSphere Server is one of the leading J2EE™application servers in today’s marketplace. Applications Manager, a tool for monitoring the performance and availability of applications and servers helps in IBM WebSphere Management.

Applications Manager automatically diagnoses, notifies, and corrects performance and availability problems not only with WebSphere Servers, but also with the servers and applications in the entire IT infrastructure.

WebSphere monitoring involves delivering comprehensive fault management and proactive alert notifications, checking for impending problems, triggering appropriate actions, and gathering performance data for planning, analysis, and reporting.

Some of the components that can be monitored in WebSphere are:

JVM Memory Usage
Server Response Time
CPU Utilization
Metrics of all web applications
User Sessions and Details
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)
Thread Pools
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Pools
Custom Application MBeans (JMX) attributes
WebSphere Management Capabilities
Out-of-the-box management of WebSphere availability and performance - checks if it is running and executing requests.
WebSphere Monitoring in Network Deployment mode is provided
Monitors performance statistics such as database connection pool, JVM memory usage, user sessions, etc. Alerts can be configured for these parameters.
Based on the thresholds configured, notifications and alerts are generated. Actions are executed automatically based on configurations.
Performance graphs and reports are available instantly. Grouping of reports, customized reports and graphs based on date is available.

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