Friday, July 11, 2008

Installing a system backup on the source machine

You can use Web-based System Manager or command line to restore an operating system onto the same machine from which you created the backup.
For either interface, the following conditions must be met before beginning the procedure:
• All hardware must already be installed, including external devices, such as tape and CD/DVD-ROM drives.
• Obtain your system backup image from one of the following sources:
CD or DVD BOS CDs, created in one of the following ways:
• Using the Web-based System Manager Backup and Restore application. Select System backup to writable CD.
• Using the SMIT Back Up This System to CD menu.
• From the command line, using the mkcd or mkdvd command.

Tape BOS tapes, created in one of the following ways:
• Using the Web-based System Manager Backup and Restore application. Select Back up the system.
• Using the SMIT Back Up the System to Tape/File menu.
• From the command line, using the mksysb -i Target command.
Note: If devices were removed from or replaced on the system after the backup was created, their information will be restored when you install a backup. The system shows these devices in a defined state because the ODM from the system at the time of backup is restored instead of rebuilt.
Network The path to your backup image file. For information about installing a backup across a network, refer to Using a mksysb image to install the base operating system on a NIM Client.

Note: Before you begin, select the tape or CD/DVD-ROM drive as the primary boot device. For additional information, refer to the section in your hardware documentation that discusses system management services.
Due to enhancements in the mksysb command, you can control how devices are recovered when you install a system backup on the source machine. This behavior is determined by the RECOVER_DEVICES variable in the file. This variable can be set to default, yes, or no. The following list shows the resulting behaviors for each value:
ODM is restored
ODM is restored
No recovery of devices
Note: You can override the default value of RECOVER_DEVICES by selecting yes or no in the Backup Restore menu or by editing the value of the attribute in the file.
To use Web-based System Manager:
1. Start the Web-based System Manager by typing wsm on the command line as root user.
2. Expand Software in the Navigation Area, select Overview and Tasks, then select Reinstall Operating System.
3. Choose the installation device:
• Network
If you choose this option, your machine must either be a configured NIM client, or have access to a NIM environment. If your machine is not a NIM client, the Reinstall Base Operating System wizard leads you through the process. For more information on setting up a NIM environment, see Using installation images to install the base operating system on a NIM client.
• Tape or CD/DVD-ROM
4. Choose Install a system backup image (mksysb) as the installation type.
5. Follow the wizard prompts to complete the procedure.
To use the command line:
1. You can use the bootlist command to display or change the primary boot device.
To display the primary boot device:
bootlist -m normal -o
To change the primary boot device:
bootlist -m normal rmt0
bootlist -m normal cd0
2. Power off your machine by following these steps:
a. Log in as the root user.
b. Enter the following command:
shutdown -F
c. If your system does not automatically power off, place the power switch in the Off (0) position.
Attention: Do not turn on the system unit until Step 6.
3. Turn on all attached external devices. These include:
• Terminals
• CD or DVD drives
• Tape drives
• Monitors
• External disk drives
Turning on the external devices first is necessary so that the system unit can identify them during the startup (boot) process.
4. Insert the installation media into the tape or CD or DVD drive.
You might find that on certain tape drive units, the tape drive door does not open while the system is turned off. If you have this problem, use the following procedure:
. Turn on the system unit.
a. Insert the boot installation tape (insert Volume 1 if you received more than one volume).
b. Turn off the system unit and wait for 30 seconds.
5. If you are not using an ASCII terminal, skip to Step 6. If you are using an ASCII terminal, use the following criteria to set the communications, keyboard, and display options.
Note: If your terminal is an IBM® 3151, 3161, or 3164, press the Ctrl+Setup keys to display the Setup Menu and follow the on-screen instructions to set these options. If you are using some other ASCII terminal, refer to the appropriate documents for information about how to set these options. Some terminals have different option names and settings than those listed here.
Communication Options
Option Setting
Line Speed (baud rate) 9600
Word Length (bits per character) 8
Parity no (none)
Number of Stop Bits 1
Interface RS-232C (or RS-422A)
Line Control IPRTS
Keyboard and Display Options
Option Setting
Screen normal
Row and Column 24x80
Scroll jump
Auto LF (line feed) off
Line Wrap on
Forcing Insert line (or both)
Tab field
Operating Mode echo
Turnaround Character CR
Enter return
Return new line
New Line CR
Send page
Insert Character space
6. Turn the system unit power switch from Off (0) to On (|). The system begins booting from the backup media. If your system is booting from tape, it is normal for the tape to move back and forth. If your system has an LED display, the three-digit LED should display c31.
Note: You can boot from production media (tape or CD) if your backup media fails to boot. The initial Welcome screen includes an option to enter a maintenance mode in which you can continue the installation from your backup media. Refer to Troubleshooting an installation from a system backup for more information.
If you have more than one console, each terminal and directly attached display device (or console) might display a screen that directs you to press a key to identify your system console. A different key is specified for each terminal displaying this screen. If this screen is displayed, then press the specified key only on the device to be used as the system console. (The system console is the keyboard and display device used for installation and system administration.) Press a key on only one console.
Note: If the file lists a valid display device for the CONSOLE variable, you do not manually choose a system console. Read Customizing your installation for more information about the file.
7. The type of installation that begins is determined by the settings of the PROMPT field in the control_flow stanza of the file. Use the following criteria to determine the type of installation you will be using:
PROMPT = no Nonprompted Installation. This installation method is used if the backup image is configured to install automatically, without having to respond to the installation program. Go to step 8.
PROMPT = yes Prompted Installation. This installation method is used if you need to use menu prompts to install the backup image. Also, use this installation method if a nonprompted installation halts and the Welcome to Base Operating System Installation and Maintenance screen displays. Go to step 9.
8. A successful nonprompted installation requires no further instructions because the installation is automatic.
Note: If the backup image holds source system-configuration information that is incompatible with the target system, the nonprompted installation stops and a prompted installation begins.
The Installing Base Operating System screen displays before the installation starts. The nonprompted installation pauses for approximately five seconds before beginning. After this time, the non-prompted installation continues to completion.
However, if you decide to interrupt the automatic installation and start a prompted session, type 000 (three zeros) at the terminal and follow the remaining steps in this procedure.
9. The Welcome to the Base Operating System Installation and Maintenance screen displays.
Note: You can view Help information at each screen of this installation process by typing 88.
Choose the Change/Show Installation Settings and Install option.
10. The System Backup Installation and Settings displays. This screen shows current settings for the system. An ellipsis follows the disk listed in the first line if there is more than one disk selected.
11. Either accept the settings or change them. For more information on using map files, see Creating system backups.
To accept the settings and begin the installation, skip to step 16.
To change the settings, continue with step 12.
12. Type 1 in the System Backup Installation and Settings screen to specify disks where you want to install the backup image. The Change Disk(s) Where You Want to Install screen displays. This screen lists all available disks on which you can install the system backup image. Three greater-than signs (>>>) mark each selected disk.
Type the number and press Enter for each disk you choose. Type the number of a selected disk to deselect it. You can select more than one disk.
Note: You can also specify a supplemental disk by typing 66 and pressing the Enter key for the Disks not known to Base Operating System Installation option. This option opens a new menu that prompts for a device support media for the supplemental disk. BOS installation configures the system for the disk and then returns to the Change Disk(s) Where You Want to Install screen.
13. After you have finished selecting disks, press the Enter key.
The screen that displays after you press the Enter key is dependent on the availability of map files for all of the selected disks. The criteria for this is as follows:
• If one or more selected disks have no maps, BOS installation returns directly to the System Backup Installation and Settings screen. Skip to step 15.
• If all selected disks have maps, the Change Use Maps Status screen displays, where you choose whether to use maps for installation. Continue with step 14.
To preserve the placement of logical volumes during a future restoration of the backup, you can create map files before backing up a system. Map files, stored in the /tmp/vgdata/rootvg directory, match the physical partitions on a drive to its logical partitions. Create map files either with the SMIT Backup the System menu, using Web-based System Manager, or using the -m option when you run the mksysb command.
For more information about map files, see Using Map Files for Precise Allocation in Operating system and device management.
14. Type either 1 or 2 in the Change Use Maps Status screen to specify whether the installation program is to use maps.
When you complete this choice, BOS installation returns to the System Backup Installation and Settings screen.
15. Decide whether BOS installation is to shrink file systems on the disks where you install the system. When you choose this option, the logical volumes and file systems within a volume group are re-created to the minimum size required to contain the data. This reduces wasted free space in a file system.
File systems on your backup image might be larger than required for the installed files. Press the 2 key to toggle the Shrink File Systems option between Yes and No in the System Backup Installation and Settings screen. The default setting is No.
Note: Shrinking the file system disables the use of maps.
16. Type 0 to accept the settings in the System Backup Installation and Settings screen.
The Installing Base Operating System screen displays the rate of completion and duration.
If you specified a supplemental disk in step 12, an untitled screen temporarily replaces the Installing Base Operating System screen. When this screen displays, it prompts you to place the device-support media in the drive and press the Enter key. BOS installation reconfigures the supplemental disk, then returns to the Installing Base Operating System screen.
The system reboots automatically when the installation completes.

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